
NoSuchFieldError: No static field 解决办法

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /www/wwwroot/u11u.com/usr/themes/wq/functions.php on line 110

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /www/wwwroot/u11u.com/usr/themes/wq/functions.php on line 116



I had activity_main.xml layout in one of my other modules as well, so I was getting this NoSuchField error. I rename the layout in one of my modules and it worked.

翻译:我有一个命名为activity_main.xml 的layout布局文件在一个module上(app里面默认也有一个activity_main.xml),然后就产生了这个NoSuchField error的错误,当我重命名其中一个文件以后,程序就跑起来了。


参考文章:NoSuchFieldError: No static field-stackoverflow.com

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Warning: Use of undefined constant php - assumed 'php' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /www/wwwroot/u11u.com/usr/themes/wq/comments.php on line 38